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Factors affecting performance and economic traits of intensively managed beef cattle in Italy




In Italy nearly two thirds of the beef bulls are reared in northern regions by specialized intensive fatteners that import stock calves from other European countries, mainly from France. Usually they feed them until slaughter with total mixed rations based on maize silage and concentrates. The increase of feed and animal purchase costs, the growing requirements for environmental sustainability and the expected detrimental changes in Common Agricultural Policy for intensive systems are currently endangering the viability of this sector. This study aimed to analyse the effects of management factors such as beef breed, body weight (BW) at arrival and diets on performance traits, nutrient excretion and net sale gain (NSG), taken as economic indicator, computed as (beef value at sale – beef value at purchase) and expressed per day of fattening (€/d). Seventeen specialized fattening herds were visited monthly during 1 year to collect performance data and diets formulation and composition. The data were analyzed using ANOVA with herd, breed and classes of management factors as fixed effects. The fattening period for beef cattle lasted on average 229 d, with an average BW at purchase and at sale of 370 and 671 kg, respectively. The average NSG computed per day of fattening was 2.44 €/d, with a large variation due to herd and breed. Feed intake averaged 9.75 kg DM, and the average gain to feed ratio was 7.5. Diets were characterised by an average crude protein and phosphorus content of 141 g/kg DM and 3.78 g/kg DM, respectively, the ratio between NSC and NDF averaged 1.4, and average self-sufficiency was 33% on daily DM intake. During the production cycle the intake, the retention and excretion of nitrogen averaged 0.22, 0.04 and 0.18 kg/d, respectively, and those of phosphorous averaged 0.04, 0.01 and 0.03 kg/d, respectively. Further studies are needed for better defining the profitability of this system by including the ratio and cost of feedstuffs purchased outside the farm.
机译:在意大利,将近三分之二的牛肉公牛在北部地区由专门的集约化肥牛饲养,这些肥牛从其他欧洲国家(主要是法国)进口犊牛。通常,它们以玉米青贮饲料和精矿为基础,直到它们被宰杀为止,以总混合日粮进行屠宰。饲料和动物购买成本的增加,对环境可持续性的要求不断提高以及集约化系统的《共同农业政策》预期的有害变化,目前正威胁着该部门的生存。这项研究旨在分析诸如牛肉品种,到达时的体重(BW)和饮食对经营性状,养分排泄和净销售收益(NSG)等管理因素的影响,将其作为经济指标,计算为(销售牛肉价值) –购买的牛肉价值),以每天增肥量表示(€/ d)。在1年中,每月有17只专业的育肥猪群被访问,以收集生产性能数据以及日粮配方和组成。使用ANOVA对数据进行分析,并将牛群,品种和管理因素类别作为固定影响。肉牛的育肥期平均持续229 d,购买和出售时的平均体重分别为370和671公斤。每天育肥的平均NSG为2.44€/ d,由于牛群和品种的差异很大。采食量平均为9.75 kg DM,平均增重与饲料比为7.5。饮食的特点是平均粗蛋白和磷含量分别为141 g / kg DM和3.78 g / kg DM,NSC和NDF之间的比率平均为1.4,每日DM摄入量的平均自给率为33%。在生产周期中,氮的摄入量,保留和排泄分别平均为0.22、0.04和0.18 kg / d,磷的平均分别为0.04、0.01和0.03 kg / d。需要进一步的研究,以通过包括在农场以外购买的饲料的比例和成本来更好地定义该系统的盈利能力。



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